Alcohol Counselling

Are you concerned you might have a drinking problem? Are you concerned that perhaps you drink too much, too often? If so, Alcohol Help wants to encourage you to seek appropriate alcohol counselling as soon as you can. If you are not yet an alcoholic, proper counselling can steer you away from that potential danger. If you are, counselling is one of the first steps toward recovery.

Alcohol counselling can take on many forms depending on the person being counselled and the circumstances under which he or she is seeking counselling. For our purposes, we will look at the three main types.

Initial Counselling

Initial counselling occurs when an individual believes he or she might have a drinking problem but is not sure. The purpose of this type of counselling is twofold: to help the individual understand the difference between alcohol abuse and alcohol addiction, and to then determine whether a problem exists or not.

This initial counselling can be provided by organisations like Alcohol Help, alcohol recovery charities, or even your doctor. What’s important is that you seek alcohol counselling if you think there is even the slightest possibility you may have a drinking problem. Statistics have shown repeatedly that early intervention is highly effective in preventing alcohol abuse from becoming alcohol addiction.

In-Treatment Counselling

Once an individual enters a treatment program, he or she will find counselling is a big part of it. For the alcohol abuser it might be confined to one-on-one counselling with a doctor, clinician, or professional counsellor. It is intended to teach the individual the dangers of alcohol abuse and to help him or her develop strategies to reduce their drinking.

For an alcoholic in the rehab, one-on-one counselling is combined with group counselling. The purpose of group counselling is to provide the alcoholic with the support and listening ears of others battling the same addiction. This type of group support makes it easier to recognise personal issues and develop strategies for dealing with future temptation.

Aftercare Counselling

A third primary type of counselling is part of an appropriate aftercare strategy. Aftercare is a compendium of services offered to the former alcoholic after he or she has finished a residential treatment program. The purpose of aftercare is to continue supporting the individual so that they do not return to their former ways.

Counselling in an aftercare situation is usually done via the group counselling method. Various organisations and charities exist primarily for the purpose. The former alcoholic attends a group counselling session on a regular basis, where they can avail themselves of the same type of support they received during treatment.

Alcohol Help wants you to know that counselling alone is usually not enough to end alcohol addiction. However, it is an important component that cannot be ignored. We invite you to get in touch with us right away if you know someone struggling with alcohol. If that someone is you, we are here to help.

When you call, we can assist you in determining whether you need a residential treatment at a private facility or a less intense outpatient program. What’s more, we can refer you to a program or facility that is right for your circumstances. In the end, our goal is to make sure you get victory over your alcohol problem regardless of its severity. If you are ready to change your life then call us, send an e-mail, or use our online contact form.