
At alcohol rehab clinics around the country there are people working hard to regain their lives from addiction. All are at different stages in their journey, yet all have a single goal in mind: to live an alcohol-free life once and for all. Thanks to advancements in both treatment and methodologies, alcohol rehab is more successful now than it has ever been.

The most difficult part of rehab is convincing someone dependent on alcohol to participate. There are many reasons why individuals are resistant to rehab. For example:

  • Denial – It’s very easy for someone to deny they have a problem. It is easy because alcohol is both legal and socially acceptable all over the world. To some extent, excessive drinking is as well. Unless the someone with alcoholism is confronted by some sort of jarring experience that will change their mind, denial is the most common course of action.
  • Fear – The fear of the unknown can cause crippling anxiety to someone reliant on alcohol. They are afraid of not being able to cope with life outside of alcohol; they are afraid of what awaits them in rehab; they are afraid of the other people they might meet at the clinic. And what’s the most common method of suppressing fear? More alcohol. Part of encouraging them to enter a residential treatment program is calming their fears.
  • Unwillingness – Though it’s hard to believe, there are some people with alcoholism that are content to remain as such. They are unwilling to make a change because their current circumstances are suitable to them. Some would make the case that an unwillingness to change is even more difficult to deal with than denial.

Purpose of Rehab

Despite the difficulty of convincing someone to enter rehab, there are very good reasons for doing so. Rehab is one of the most important factors in helping those with addiction learn to lead an addiction-free life. Many fail to achieve long-term success because rehab is not part of their recovery.

Rehab is decidedly different from detox inasmuch as it goes above and beyond just the physical dependence on alcohol. Rehab gets to the mental and emotional issues. This effectiveness of approach becomes abundantly clear when you realise that alcoholism is quite often the result of the individual being unable to deal with mental or emotional stress.

Rehab includes detox along with things like counselling, group activities, and maintenance medications. The counselling serves as a way of teaching them:

  • their behaviour is hurting others
  • the mental and emotional issues that trigger drinking
  • effective strategies to deal with temptation
  • there are others suffering through the same circumstances.

Group activities serve as a way to show it is possible to enjoy life without drinking. These activities can be very powerful motivators because alcoholics typically do not believe they can exist without alcohol, let alone enjoy their lives.

When approached with the proper attitude, rehab can go a long way toward achieving long-term success in alcohol recovery. Combined with appropriate aftercare, the chances of success are even greater.

You need to know that there is no real reason to allow alcohol addiction to control your life or the life of someone you love. Alcohol Help is here to help you find the assistance you need. When you contact us, we will present an appropriate rehab clinic and program along with instructions for enrolling. Call us today; an alcohol free life is closer than you think.